MIKI Glucoade L
Take MIKI Glucoade every day when you start worrying over he blood sugar level.
With the advance of westernization of meals which have become in affluence nowadays the danger of having lifestyle related sicknesses is on the increase.
Continuation of nutritionally imbalanced meals will affect the blood sugarlevel control, and it will be causes of obesity, lifestyle related sicknesses and etc.
Just add a pack of MIKI Glucoade to meals for those worrying over the blood sugar level —– New eating habit.
Wheat albumin slows the sharp rise of the blood sugar level after meal.
Net weight
Standard Retail Price
How To Take・Preservation
How To Take
3sticks a day and take a pack with meal after stirring well with100~130ml hot water.
Keep away from direct sunlight and places with high temperature and humidity.Especially be careful during summer.